Erica Alonso Autopsy: What is the Reason Behind Her Death?

Please be aware that this news story has information about a serious crime. Readers should use their own judgment.

On Valentine’s Day 2015, Erica Alonso, a lively 27-year-old woman from California, went out for the night. She went to a busy bar with her ex-boyfriend “Larry Rivera” in Orange County, California.

She told her sister before she left that she would be home later that day, but she never came back. Her family and friends were sad and worried when she wasn’t around, and they couldn’t wait for her safe return.

But her dead body was found in a dry creek bed more than two months later. She was in a terrible state when she was found. She was wrapped in layers of plastic bags and tied tightly with duct tape.

Erica Alonso Autopsy

The autopsy report on Erica Alonso’s body said there were no signs of violence. Her body was found in a dry creek in the Cleveland National Forest on April 27, 2015, 73 days after Alonso was last seen. The 27-year-old woman went missing after a fight with her boyfriend on Valentine’s Day. This caused a lot of fear and a big search.

Erica Alonso Autopsy
Erica Alonso

Even though when her body was looked at, there were no clear signs of damage. When the body of Alonso was looked at more closely, there were no signs of damage. She died because she had too much alcohol and gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), according to the lab results.

Her body had three times the legal limit of alcohol. GHB, which is also called “the date rape drug” was found in her body. Even though the cops thought the person had died from an overdose, they couldn’t say for sure.

Since there wasn’t enough evidence to suggest foul play, they called her death an overdose. But if you look at the facts, they don’t match up.

The police say they don’t think her death was caused by a murder. A Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman, Lt. Jeff Hallock, said:

“Based on the totality of the investigation including interviews, evidence collection, autopsy and toxicology results, investigators do not believe Ms. Alonso was the victim of a homicide.”

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What Were the Important Facts Found in Erica Alonso’s Case?

Erica and Larry, her ex-boyfriend, went to Sutra Lounge, which is known as the best place to party in Costa Mesa, California. The next day, Erica’s sister was worried that she hadn’t heard from her sister, so she called Larry.

Larry said that they had spent the night together, but that they had a fight that was so bad that Alonso had to leave his flat quickly at 4 a.m. Larry says that she left in her Honda Civic not long after that. On March 25, finally, there was a break.

The 2014 Honda Civic that belongs to Erica was found in a parking spot near where her folks live. Except for her phone, all of her things were still in the car, which was odd. Biologists had a hard time finding a dead body on April 27 near the Ortega Highway in the Cleveland National Forest.

So far, we know this much about this case. When we find out more, we will let you know.

Note: We made this post only to give you information. No one’s feelings should be hurt here. If you have anything else to say about how she died, you can do so in the comments.

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