Demi Lovato, the beloved singer, songwriter, and actress, made her debut on the Howard Stern Show to discuss her upcoming remix album “Revamped” and delve into her transformation from a Disney-backed pop sensation to a rock star. In this wide-ranging conversation, Demi shared insights into her acting career, her evolution as a musician, her love life, fascination with aliens, and her well-documented struggles with substance abuse.
Demi, known for hits like “Sorry Not Sorry,” has battled addiction for years, undergoing several treatments. However, it was her overdose and near-death experience in 2018 that marked a turning point in her life. She expressed the relief of not waking up in daily struggles and the importance of choosing sobriety for herself. Demi candidly discussed her history of substance use, starting with her first experience with Vicodin at the age of 12 and culminating in the opioid overdose in 2018. She explained how the pain she was in led her to prioritize numbing out over everything else in her life, including family, friends, and her career.

The overdose, detailed in her docu-series “Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil,” left lasting consequences, including hearing and vision impairment due to brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation during the incident. Demi revealed her ongoing vision problems, rendering her unable to drive and affecting her perception during the interview with Howard.
Despite the physical and emotional challenges she’s faced, Demi doesn’t harbor resentment towards herself and maintains sympathy for the state of mind she was in during her drug use. She also disclosed that Sir Elton John offered valuable advice, emphasizing the necessity of quitting drugs entirely, which Demi ultimately realized on her path to recovery.
Demi admitted that she initially replaced one addiction with another by excessively using substances she believed to be safer. This led her back to unhealthy behaviors and taught her the importance of abstinence as a key factor in her recovery.
The interview shed light on Demi’s journey towards sobriety, personal growth, and newfound resilience as she continues to pursue her passion for music and life beyond addiction.
Demi Lovato discussed her healthy relationship with musician and songwriter Jordan Lutes, professionally known as Jute$, on the Howard Stern Show. They’re currently in a positive place, building their connection and growing together. Demi shared the story of how they met, noting her immediate attraction to him during a studio session, which she discreetly texted to her friends.
Their initial interaction was platonic, a foundation built on friendship, which Demi believes is essential. The genuine partnership and magnetic connection they share, combined with their constant laughter, are key elements of their strong relationship. Demi expressed the importance of feeling safe, strong attraction, and shared laughter as the formula for a great relationship.
Although they’re taking their time, Demi envisions marriage and starting a family in the future. As someone who identifies as pansexual, Demi acknowledged the challenge of finding female partners interested in a serious, committed relationship rather than just a casual hookup.
Demi Lovato, known for her show “Unidentified with Demi Lovato,” is a passionate sky scanner and firm believer in the existence of extraterrestrial life. She expressed her conviction that humanity isn’t alone in the universe, having witnessed numerous U.F.O. sightings. While she hasn’t seen aliens themselves, she has encountered several unidentified flying objects.
Most of these sightings occurred after meditating in the desert with the intent of witnessing a U.F.O. One memorable experience took place during her birthday celebration at Joshua Tree National Park when she and her friends observed a massive orb of light in the sky. It was larger than any star and moved in a manner resembling a question mark. Demi emphasized that all her friends witnessed this phenomenon.
Howard Stern didn’t question Demi’s experiences but did ponder why aliens, if they existed, would visit Earth without revealing themselves more overtly. Demi speculated that they might be waiting for humanity to reach certain conclusions independently, preferring not to alarm people by suddenly revealing their presence, as it might provoke widespread panic.
Demi Lovato’s journey to fame began in 2002 when, at the age of 10, she made her television debut on the popular children’s show “Barney & Friends.” However, her early TV appearance alongside the beloved purple dinosaur didn’t earn her many friends at school. As Demi explained to Howard, by the time she was old enough to work on “Barney,” it had become uncool to watch the show, leading to teasing and ridicule from her school peers.
Despite the teasing, Demi fondly remembered the actor inside the Barney suit, describing him as a very nice person. Interestingly, she also admitted to having a bit of a crush on him, even at a young age. Demi further emphasized the actor’s attractiveness, explaining that he had to be quite muscular because the Barney suit weighed around 50 to 100 pounds.
Howard jokingly remarked on the potential for a great story if she had run off with Barney.
Demi Lovato opened up to Howard Stern about the inspiration behind her 2015 hit song “Cool for the Summer,” which subtly hinted at her attraction to women. She revealed that the song was inspired by her experiences with a girl but emphasized that, at the time, she hadn’t come out to anyone, including her parents. Coming from a Christian household made her nervous about addressing her sexuality.
However, when Demi eventually came out to her parents, their reaction was not only supportive but unsurprised. Her father even humorously pointed out the obvious connection between the song “Cool for the Summer” and her personal experiences.
Demi also confirmed to Howard that the song was inspired by a notable woman she had a previous romantic relationship with. However, she decided to keep that person’s identity a closely guarded secret, especially since she is currently in a new relationship.
The conversation led to a playful comparison between Demi’s song and Carly Simon’s iconic hit “You’re So Vain,” with Robin Quivers suggesting that the mystery of who the song was about could become equally intriguing.
During her appearance on the Howard Stern show, Demi Lovato delighted listeners with a rock remix of her 2013 hit song “Heart Attack,” which she co-wrote for her album “Demi.” Demi shared her perspective on the challenges of writing catchy pop songs that allow her to truly showcase her vocal abilities. She emphasized that while pop songs can be difficult in that regard, “Heart Attack” was a special exception that enabled her to express her singing skills more effectively.
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