Chesnee High School Car Accident, On a fateful Friday afternoon, a devastating car accident unfolded near Chesnee High School, claiming three lives and injuring one person. The South Carolina Highway Patrol is currently investigating the incident, which occurred on Fairfield Road. The accident has prompted the postponement of the school’s football game, leaving the community in mourning and investigators working to unravel the details. Further updates are awaited as the investigation progresses.
Chesnee High School Car Accident
On a fateful Friday afternoon, tragedy struck near Chesnee High School as a car accident claimed three lives and left one person injured. The South Carolina Highway Patrol is investigating the incident, which occurred around 3:38 p.m. along Fairfield Road, close to Henderson Road. According to troopers, the vehicle was traveling on Fairfield Road when it veered off the left side, collided with a ditch, and subsequently crashed into multiple trees.
Fatalities and Injuries
The aftermath of the accident saw the driver transported to the hospital with injuries, while the other three occupants of the car tragically lost their lives at the scene. Adding to the devastation, the car caught fire after the collision, making it currently impossible for the Spartanburg County Coroner’s Office to formally identify the victims. A forensic examination will be conducted to ascertain their identities.
Chesnee High School
Chesnee High School, serving students in grades 9 through 12, is located in the northern region of Spartanburg County, South Carolina, nestled in the foothills region near the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Football Match Postponed
In the wake of this terrible tragedy, Spartanburg School District 2 announced the postponement of Chesnee High School’s football game scheduled for Friday night. The decision was made out of respect for those affected by the incident. Details surrounding the tragedy remain limited, with investigators working to determine the specifics. The school community is urged to keep those involved in their thoughts and prayers.
Additional Cancellations
In addition to the postponed football game, the Cross Country team’s Midnight Mile Marathon and youth football games scheduled for Saturday have also been canceled. Authorities have not disclosed further details at this time, promising updates as more information becomes available.
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